Start A Cavity Wall Extraction Business

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Start A Cavity Wall Extraction Business

Cavity wall insulation has been in the media a lot recently. Once thought of as one of the best ways to insulate a home, its fall from grace has been well-publicised. Thousands of people have been affected by poorly installed cavity wall insulation, and as a result, this has made people cautious about their own homes and potentially investigate when, where why and how their homes are insulted. And unfortunately, some have been unlucky enough to discover the aftereffects of badly installed cavity wall insulation.

This increasing issue for homeowners right around the country has resulted in a heighted demand for cavity wall insulation extraction. And as people have unfortunately been bit before, many are extremely wary about who they employ to undertake the extraction.

Building companies must make sure they are trusted by customers who may already feel let down by the industry. And there are a few ways they can do this; testimonials are one of the best ways to showcase previous work, as are accreditations and making sure they use robust and correct equipment for the jobs in hand. But none of the above is possible without training and education.

At Extract Vac, we offer a training programme to businesses that is second to none to ensure everyone who undertakes this extraction is trained to a high standard and able to conduct the extraction efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of their clients. So committed are we to ensuring everyone who wants to get rid of cavity wall insulation to make their homes feel like home again, that in addition to training, we also supply cavity wall insulation removal equipment to ensure the removal is made in the right way. We supply nozzles, compressors, hoses, extraction hoovers and extraction bags, which all work with most machines and can be cut to size to fit any piece of equipment. To ensure value for money and the longevity of a business, the equipment is also reusable.

With the buzz around cavity wall insulation reaching a peak, now is the time that companies must come to the forefront of the industry, cement their position as leaders in the sector and gain feedback to enable them to continue providing a stellar service to earn the trust of homeowners left scorned by the cavity wall insulation industry. And our training and development is at the forefront of that.

Find out more about our training and development services by contacting us here.